Romans 12:2 Be not conformed to the this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Have you ever felt like you really needed or could use a good detox? Well, if you're anything like me, I've "needed" a good detox quite often. As a matter of act, I could really use a "feel good" detox right now! You're probably thinking to yourself, I wonder if she uses the new popular detox that's circulating the world at this time...I think it's called "Iaso Tea" instant detox. You may even recognize it as what is called "Total Life Changes" tea? If that's not the one you're thinking of, maybe it's "Yogi DeTox" tea or even "Flat Tummy" tea. There's just so many out there to name them all. If you consider yourself "old school" like me, there's the old reliable "Castor Oil"! I remember growing up, there were occasions when I wasn't feeling well or had a hard time with normal "intestinal functions", my mom would bring out her bottle of castor oil and say "here, take this". Although it didn't happen immediately, I'd feel like a brand new person soon after. Feeling good. Looking good and with so much energy, it was unbelievable to me that the ingredients in this little bottle had somewhat like SUPERPOWERS! The funny thing was that the initial taste of the castor oil was absolutely horrible...still is! Actually, there was no "taste" that could even begin to describe it. However, after it processed through my body and carried out its purpose. I felt brand new. As I studied Romans 12, specifically the 2nd verse, I was lead to concentrate on my spiritual detox. In other words, "The Feel Good Detox". You see, there are several times, while on this journey of ours, when we should take on the task of conducting a spiritual detox of our body, mind and soul. In Romans Chapter 12:2, Paul writes "Do not be CONFORMED to this world, but be TRANSFORMED by the renewal of your mind, that in testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. This verse stood out. As it relates to our world today. We're all so busy with the new trends. Detox tea, money trees, etc. It doesn't take much to get on the wagon for most of us. If we would only put as much energy in the things of God, WOW! Just imagine how much better we, as his children, would be able to operate during these trying of times. As with a good diet, it usually consist of what you take in your physical body, mentally or spiritually. If you eat something or watch something that is not serving your best interest, whatever that "something" may be, You'' probably get sick...if not now than later in life. Just know YOU have the power to remove it! get rid of it! Whatever "it" is. Conduct a "Feel Good Detox" of your entire system. Remember, it's not always that which we can see or touch. Many of us should remove hate, bitterness, jealousy, envy, deceitfulness. Others may need to remove people THAT YOU KNOW have no interest in seeing you grow or do well, Even so much as the words that we speak to ourselves and to each others. Who are we spending our time with? Remember, this is a process and as with most detox teas, you may not see the results of your detox immediately but you can rest assured knowing that the effects and purposes are being processed for your good. The best result you can expect is to have a clear mind! One that's available to hear what Gods purpose is for YOUR OWN life! A mind that is open to new things, new possibilities knowing that God's purpose for your life and mine is better than we could ever imagine! Take a moment a give yourself The Feel Good Detox! As often as you can! The clock is ticking so Get started!
