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Fish, Grits & Fried Green Tomatoes?

Writer's picture: Cindy YoungCindy Young

Psalm 34:8 Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! How blessed is the person who trust in HIM!

Have you ever eaten the same foods time after time after time? Always eating coleslaw on your hotdogs, turkey on Thanksgiving (with all if the fixings of, ham at Christmas or even that ever so tasting chicken wings and dip while enjoying your favorite pastime or game? It just fits. Some things just fit "together". The question is how did you "know" these foods fit together? At some point, you had to give it a try. I was recently placed in this situation. Of course, I've eaten fish & grits together...even threw a dab of butter with some shrimp at times. However, Fried Green Tomatoes? Nothing about the addition of fried green tomatoes appealed to my taste buds. As I pondered on whether or not I would at least "try" this recommendation, I asked the person I dined with if they had tried it or if they were just asking me to try something for the first time that they had never tried themselves. Of course, the answer I received gave me the guts to allow something new onto my ever so picky pallet. The "look" of fried green tomatoed on the same plate with my fish and grits just didn't "look" appealing, however, once I tried it, WOW! DE-LI-CIOUS! Not only did I clean my whole plate, the fried green tomatoes were eaten BEFORE I ate the fish and grits. (LOL) As I sat there, stuffed, physical body fed and ready to go another day. I thought about a verse in this prayer in Psalm 34, "Oh, taste and see that the Lord IS Good! How blessed is the person that trust in HIM". You see, we as God's children have a responsibility. Over and over again, God continues to show us how good He is and how gracious He is. He provides when we don't think there's a way. He protects our family from dangers seen and unseen. He continues to give us another day even when we don't deserve it. For that alone, We should bless Him at all times. Realizing that this may seem almost impossible to do, we should strive each day to lift him up and recommend Jesus to those that may not know him. Just as we are eager to "try" various foods, places or even discover new adventures, we should taste a new verse or perhaps read a new book from Gods word daily. Once I tried fried green tomatoes and tasted how good it was, the same can be said for God. His word. Once we, as his children, accepted Jesus as our Savoir and forged an intimate relationship with God, we found that everything just "fit". Just as David did when writing this Psalm, he sought the Lord and his prayers were answered! This is the same for you and I. Although times may be a bit challenging at the moment or you may even feel as though the pieces of your life just aren't "fitting" together, love yourself enough and trust God enough to feed your spiritual self. Know that everything is working out for your good even if it doesn't "look" or "feel" appealing at the time. Just as your body requires food and liquids to survive, the same is true of your spiritual being. We must learn to taste the word of God to see how good he is and to remind ourselves of the promises he's made. He is a promise keeper. There's enough of "not so good" food filling our minds everyday. Just take a few moments out of your day to get full and receive nourishment from the well that never runs dry! Isaiah 58:11 reads "And the Lord shall guide thee continually and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones; and you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters never run dry. In these times, our spiritual and mental heath is depending on us to just TASTE & SEE! Try something new. You might even want to change the people you're around. People who are also feeding your spiritual and mental self. Remember, these are two of the most important senses God gave! Also, Once you taste and see for yourself, invite others to do the same. Then, they too will know for themselves that God will turn your mourning into dancing, your sorrows into joy! I think I'm gonna go and get another taste...anybody want to join me...Fish, Grits & Fried Green Tomatoes anyone?

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